1. 概述

This is my boss, Jonathan Hart, a self-made millionaire, he’s quite a guy. This is Mrs H., she’s gorgeous, she’s one lady who knows how to take care of herself. By the way, my name is Max. I take care of both of them, which ain’t easy, 'cause when they met it was MURDER!

Ten years ago a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem and no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-team.

Thunder, thunder, thundercats, Ho! Thundercats are on the move, Thundercats are loose. Feel the magic, hear the roar, Thundercats are loose. Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats! Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats! Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats! Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats! Thundercats!





2. 内容模板:英文版

Content entered directly below the header but before the first section heading is called the preamble.

2.1. First level heading

This is a paragraph with a bold word and an italicized word.

I am the image alt text.
Figure 1. Image caption

This is another paragraph.[1]

2.1.1. Second level heading

Unordered list title
  • list item 1

    • nested list item

      • nested nested list item 1

      • nested nested list item 2

  • list item 2

This is a paragraph.

Example 1. Example block title

Content in an example block is subject to normal substitutions.

Sidebar title

Sidebars contain aside text and are subject to normal substitutions.

Third level heading
Listing block title
Content in a listing block is subject to verbatim substitutions.
Listing block content is commonly used to preserve code input.
Fourth level heading
Table 1. Table title
Column heading 1 Column heading 2

Column 1, row 1

Column 2, row 1

Column 1, row 2

Column 2, row 2

Column 1, row 2

Column 2, row 2

Fifth level heading

I am a block quote or a prose excerpt. I am subject to normal substitutions.

— firstname lastname
movie title
I am a verse block.
  Indents and endlines are preserved in verse blocks.
— firstname lastname
poem title and more

2.2. First level heading

There are five admonition labels: Tip, Note, Important, Caution and Warning.
  1. ordered list item

    1. nested ordered list item

  2. ordered list item

The text at the end of this sentence is cross referenced to the third level heading

3. 内容模板:中文版

Content entered directly below the header but before the first section heading is called the preamble.

主标题之下,二级标题区域之上的内容称之为序言。主标题之下,二级标题区域之上的内容称之为序言。 主标题之下,二级标题区域之上的内容称之为序言。主标题之下,二级标题区域之上的内容称之为序言。 主标题之下,二级标题区域之上的内容称之为序言。主标题之下,二级标题区域之上的内容称之为序言。 主标题之下,二级标题区域之上的内容称之为序言。主标题之下,二级标题区域之上的内容称之为序言。

3.1. 内容区一级标题

This is a paragraph with a bold word and an italicized word.

段落示例:这是一个 粗体字,这是一个 斜体字

这是图片的 alt 说明.
Figure 2. 图片说明

This is another paragraph.[2]


3.1.1. 内容区二级标题

Unordered list title 无序列表
  • list item 1 列表 1

    • nested list item 次级列表 1

      • nested nested list item 1 次级列表 1-1

      • nested nested list item 2 次级列表 1-2

  • list item 2 列表 2

This is a paragraph.



Example 2. Example block title 示例区块

Content in an example block is subject to normal substitutions.


Sidebar title 旁白内容

Sidebars contain aside text and are subject to normal substitutions.


Listing block title 清单区块
Content in a listing block is subject to verbatim substitutions.
Listing block content is commonly used to preserve code input.

相比上面的示例区块,这儿的内容稍微不那么醒目,类似 code 的效果。
Table 2. Table title 表格
Column heading 1 表头 1 Column heading 2 表头 2

Column 1, row 1 第一行第一列

Column 2, row 1 第一行第二列

Column 1, row 2 第二行第一列

Column 2, row 2 第二行第二列

Column 1, row 2 第二行第一列

Column 2, row 2 第二行第二列

内容区四级标题 2

I am a block quote or a prose excerpt. I am subject to normal substitutions.


— firstname lastname 人名
movie title 标题
I am a verse block.
  Indents and endlines are preserved in verse blocks.

— firstname lastname
poem title and more

3.2. 内容区一级标题 2

There are five admonition labels: Tip, Note, Important, Caution and Warning.
五种警示标签: Tip, Note, Important, Caution and Warning.



  1. ordered list item 有序列表 1

    1. nested ordered list item 次级列表 1

  2. ordered list item 有序列表 2

The text at the end of this sentence is cross referenced to the third level heading

这儿演示的是内部跳转方式: 内容区三级标题

4. 源码示例

 * Created by wjx on 2018/2/11.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {View, NetInfo} from 'react-native';
import {MessageBar, MessageBarManager} from 'react-native-message-bar';
import Orientation from 'react-native-orientation';

import AppNavigator from './AppNavigator';
import AppLoopAction from './AppLoopAction';

import {isValidConnection} from '../util/NetInfoUtils';
import {initSDK} from '../util/UMengUtils';
import {registerApp} from '../util/WechatUtils';
 * 应用顶级容器。
export default class AppContainer extends Component {
    componentDidMount() {

        NetInfo.addEventListener('connectionChange', this.onConnectivityChange);

        // 锁定屏幕方向

        // 友盟初始化

        // 微信SDK 初始化
        registerApp().catch(e => {
            console.log('registerApp', e);

    componentWillUnmount() {

        NetInfo.removeEventListener('connectionChange', this.onConnectivityChange);

    onConnectivityChange = (info) => {
        const {type} = info;

        if (!isValidConnection(type)) {
            this.showWarnAlert('警告', '当前网络无法正常连接');
        } else {


    showWarnAlert = (title, message) => {
            position: 'bottom',
            alertType: 'error',
            shouldHideAfterDelay: false,


    render() {
        return (
            <View style={{flex: 1}}>


                    ref={bar => {
                        this.messageBar = bar;

附录 A: 版本历史

版本号 更新日期 备注




1. I am footnote text and will be rendered at the bottom of the article.
2. I am footnote text and will be rendered at the bottom of the article.
3. 我是一个中文脚注,并且在 html 中会显示在页面底部。